Post 8
L iteratura. With Eugenia Brito This is a very atipical literature class because in every lesson we see a diferent movie related with a literature text, we must reead tales, plays, mythology, etc . An otherf atipìcal thing of this subject is that in all classes we are a very few persons in the class l ike 6, including the teacher. We really don't have a main content in this subject apart of watch ing diferent movies every lesson. We have talked about a lot of topics like sexuality, contemporary of the art, ways of representation,family, marriage, repression, control, etc. all of this topics realated with a movie and a text I like the subject because I like to see movies of all kind. We have seen a very variety tipes of movies like Tristana, a movie about of a girl who grow with a old men that in the beginnig was very abusive but when she grow up she transforms her personality into a very cold one and the end she killed the old man; other movie that a I liked a lot was ...
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